.:: DEV DIARY #010 ::.
Hey Everyone, Its been a while…that’s an understatement for sure!. Where have we been you may ask?. Well, it’s a long story but for those that have not been following […]
Continue reading ".:: DEV DIARY #010 ::."Hey Everyone, Its been a while…that’s an understatement for sure!. Where have we been you may ask?. Well, it’s a long story but for those that have not been following […]
Continue reading ".:: DEV DIARY #010 ::."It’s been a bit of a strange month, hence the slight delay with this Dev Diary. Almost exactly a year ago we had a major disaster.
Continue reading ".:: DEV DIARY #007 ::."Welcome to another dev diary. We have a new demo update coming out tomorrow and we can happily say this will be the very last demo update we do.
Continue reading ".:: DEV DIARY #006 ::."Hey Everyone, As you probably know by now we have just dropped CyberpunkXXX Development Build version 0.3.
Continue reading ".:: DEV DIARY #004 ::."Hey Everyone. Its that time of the week again so I thought id keep you all filled in with with what we’ve been up to over the last week in […]
Continue reading ".:: DEV DIARY #002 ::."As the days go past it seems like yet another revolutionary AI tool is released to the general public. We have had OpenAi release ChatGPT to the world as well as other language chat models…
Continue reading "And Now We Have Midjourney!"In a recent interview we did with the GamerSection they asked us if CyberpunkXXX was an adult game or rated m for mature? we answered with the following.
Continue reading "Censored Vs Uncensored Gaming?"We had a strong idea of where the game’s narrative will ultimately take us…
Continue reading "In The Heart Of The City…"Over the last few years, our small team of dedicated game developers have been getting to grips with the awesome Unreal Engine…
Continue reading "So We Had An Idea…"